Real Mothers Don’t Lift Weights!




This book was originally written in 1981, when Joyce had 12 children under the age of 15.


Inspired very late one summer night, she quickly jotted down a humorous collection of drawings and poems. She affectionately titled it, “Real Mothers Don’t Lift Weights!”.


In the hopes of presenting to publishing houses in graphic artists, a few concept copies using whatever she could find – resume paper, scissors, glue, and a 30 year-old typewriter.


Readers instantly fell in love with the humor, insight, and strength woven into each of the poems. Even the mis-cut shapes, hand-drawn artwork, and outdated type added to the charm of the collection.


Unfortunately, a formal book was not published at that time. For the next 30 years, the concepts remain cherished keepsakes for only a few friends and family.


This book may never have been published at all, had it not been for the fateful day her children found a copy in the attic. Wishing to preserve the warmth and spontaneous creativity of the first edition, her children digitized the draft book “as is” – keeping the original drawings and handwritten notes intact. Ironically, doing so enhanced the timeless quality of the poems.


In this edition, care was taken to preserve the essence of when the book was made – a time without home computers, cell phones, and the internet. A time when, with only a few moments to spare and from a few household items, a loving mother wanted to do something special for her children.


Today, you are invited to share in the humor and insight that is, surprisingly, just as relevant today as it was in 1981.


This book speaks to all mothers everywhere. May you find the same inspiration from the content contained within.

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